A NURSERY has been rated 'Good' following its latest Ofsted inspection report.

Pennington Nursery, located in Pennington Memorial Hall near Ulverston, received the rate after the inspection on June 19.

The nursery has 91 children on the roll from babies to 11-years-olds and employs 19 childcare staff members.

This was the first routine inspection the provider received since the COVID-19 pandemic began and the first since the provider moved into new buildings on the same site.

The report praised how the nursery prioritises 'building positive relationships.'

It said: "The babies cuddle with the adults and watch wide-eyed as the adults talk to them. The older children chat to the staff about their experiences, share snacks and play cooperatively.

"Children at this nursery are happy and settled. They enjoy playing with their friends. Children take their lead from the staff and demonstrate good manners, high levels of concentration and positive attitudes to learning."

The report refers that nursery leaders have 'thoughtfully planned' and 'arranged' the new building.

It added: "To ensure that children have a clean, safe and stimulating environment in which they can thrive.

"Staff consider the children's interests and abilities when providing activities so that children are always engaged.

"Children move freely between the indoor and outdoor areas, accessing meaningful learning through play. Throughout the nursery, children are accessing a broad range of opportunities to develop their skills, confidence and independence ready to move on to school."

It also mentions that leaders and staff members have 'a good understanding' of the way children learn and that the environment is set up with activities to 'suit the children's interests.'

To further improve the quality of the early years' provision, the report said that the school should: "Support staff to strengthen the planning and implementation of adult-led activities, so they are more precisely linked to what children need to learn next."