WORK has started to try to save and restore the historic Roxy building.

Thanks to donations from the local community, general public, private donors and various funding bodies, the Roxy Collective has bought the Ulverston building and can now start on the necessary repairs and renovations needed.

The first phase of renovation works has begun which will focus on the exterior. Work has started on the damaged roof to ensure the building is watertight and areas that are currently leaking are being fixed.

After this the exterior walls will also be getting a revamp with a new colour scheme and a re-designed building logo.

A spokeperson for the Roxy Collective said: "It's important to note whilst the scaffolding is up and these changes are underway that the businesses inside the building (the Roxy cinema, Laurel & Hardy Museum and U-Gym) will still be open, so do still come if you are planning a visit in the near future.

"Throughout this process we'll be keeping everyone up to date and informed with lots of new content across our social channels. We can't wait to show you what we have planned and we look forward to this phase of repairs being the start of a new lease of life for this integral building and local community."

The Westmorland Gazette: The scaffolding took much of the day to erect

The scaffolding arrived on Wednesday and took many hours to put up as there was a lot of wall to cover. After a timelapse video of the work was posted on the Roxy Collective's Facebook page, many offered their support for the restoration. 

One Facebook user wrote: "Amazing! So looking forward to the transformation but thanks to the Roxy collective, local community and funders who’ve made this happen. Makes me so happy to see this iconic and much loved historic building getting the attention it desperately needed. We love the Roxy."

One man said: "Great to see a wonderful building being cared for. Look forward to seeing the finishing touch."

Another added: "Well done, a great survivor with loads of history, a glass raised to all that got the Roxy to this palace."

To keep up to date with the renovations, visit website.