Runners tackled a leg-burning challenge to raise thousands of pounds for charity.

Sunday saw the hardy Brathay 10x10 runners finally cross the finish line after the ultimate test of endurance of completing ten marathons in ten days.

This year, 16 runners took part in the challenge but unfortunately, one runner was forced to drop out on their eighth day due to an injury.

Fifteen people were able to finish the event including 20-year-old Alfie Rousseau Thorpe, the youngest person to ever finish the race.

The Brathay 10x10 winner was Paul Davies, Tasmin Sharley was the first woman and Malcolm Collins completed his tenth event, totalling 100 laps of the Windermere Marathon course over 12 years.

Joss Naylor, MBE and Patron of the Brathay 10x10, was on the finish line to support the runners.

The fundraising efforts surrounding the Brathay 10x10 added up to almost £70,000.

On the final day of the Brathay 10x10, the runners were joined by the Windermere marathon competitors.

This year was the sixteenth Windermere Marathon. More than 500 people took part in a circuit of England’s largest lake and ran through Hawkshead, Newby Bridge, Bowness and Ambleside along the way.

The Windermere runners raised around £10,000 which will go to support Brathay Trust and the work they do in the community and with disadvantaged children.

The ASICS Windermere Marathon winner was Beau Smith and Catherine Williamson was the first woman.

The fundraising manager for Brathay Scott Umpleby said the races have started to recover their numbers after the pandemic.

He said: “Entries are down nationally by about 40%. Our best year was 2019 so hopefully we’ll see that kind of engagement again soon.

“Overall, the races were really successful, the Brathay 10x10 and the Windermere Marathon are a great platform to promote some much-needed fundraising. We’re already looking forward to next year and the applications are on the way."

They are now taking applications for the 2024 Brathay 10x10. To sign up visit: