A PLAN to help protect the historic character of one of South Lakeland’s most famously picturesque villages has been adopted.

Cartmel is home to dozens of properties that are legally protected by being listed, such as its world-famous Grade I listed Priory, and the village has also been a Conservation Area since 1969.

The newly-adopted Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan has identified around 20 buildings and architectural features that are not listed but are deemed to be 'of particular merit' in the village’s Conservation Area.

Also known as non-designated heritage assets, these properties are now included on South Lakeland District Council's Local List of buildings of historic and architectural significance.

They include sash-windowed Georgian houses,  a worker's cottage, a former farmstead, Wheelhouse Bridge and Pepper Bridge.

Also listed are the village's Victorian primary school, the cemetery lych gate, Cartmel Methodist Church, and the gate piers and walls of the playground created to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

Thanks to the newly adopted plan, the historical and architectural significance of these 20 or so places will be taken into account when planning applications are considered which may affect them, their site, or their setting.

READ MORE: Plan to preserve 'beauty and history' of famous village up for discussion

Councillor Helen Chaffey, SLDC Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: "Thank you to all the residents, property owners, businesses, and community groups who have shared their views with us during the consultation process.

"This plan has been shaped by their love of Cartmel and their desire to safeguard its heritage for future generations.

"The council will be writing to all property owners whose properties have been placed on the Local List for Cartmel.

"I'd like to reassure people that having your property on this list does not in itself impose any extra planning controls, and does not affect the work you can do without planning consent."

 From Thursday March 23, anyone who would like to view the adopted Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan, including full details of the Local List, can visit www.southlakeland.gov.uk/CartmelCAMP.

The plan can also be viewed in person from March 23 during normal opening hours at South Lakeland House, Kendal, libraries in Kendal, Grange, and Ulverston, as well as Cartmel Village Hall and Cartmel Priory.