A GROUP of friends from Kendal are taking on a sporty challenge to say thank you to the charity that helped one of them when she was diagnosed with cancer.

On March 12 Team Five Try a Tri will tackle CancerCare’s Sprint Triathlon at Kendal Leisure Centre which involves swimming 16 lengths of the pool, an 18km bike ride and a 5km road run to raise money for the charity which provides free professional therapy for people affected by cancer and bereavement.

The group includes Rose Thompson, Ros Turner, Ruth Buxton, Suzy Collett and Sheila Larking who have all been friends for many years after meeting and bonding over their love of sport and the great outdoors.

Rose received support at CancerCare’s centre on Blackhall Road in Kendal after she was diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago. She was referred for aromatherapy massage which helped her through the medical treatments she underwent as a result.

Rose said: “Having treatment for cancer completely took over my life. I had so many appointments to attend but the one appointment I looked forward to was the one at CancerCare, Kendal. There I was greeted by friendly staff who made me feel very welcome while I waited for my aromatherapy appointment.

“The massage was so relaxing for my body. My mind also relaxed as I talked to my therapist, she was such a good listener as I complained about what I was going through. I always came away feeling so much better about life and looking forward to my next appointment.”

The ladies have never taken on a triathlon before although all are seasoned runners and cyclists and last summer enjoyed a long-distance ride from Penrith to Bowness.

They are getting in shape for the event by running, swimming in the pool and outdoors in the Lakes, increasing the number of miles they are putting in on their bikes and adding in a some steep hill climbs. They have also set up an online group so they can support each other.

“We are all very excited to have entered the Sprint Tri as a team. We are encouraging each other and probably wouldn't have entered on our own. Being held in Kendal makes it very appealing as we can take part in an area we live in and can support a local charity which helps local people,” said Rose.

Team Five Try a Tri have already smashed their fundraising total of £500. Places are still available on the CancerCare Sprint Triathlon which takes place at Kendal Leisure Centre on Sunday, March 12 at 9am.

For more details, visit: https://cancercare.org.uk/news-and-events/cancercares-sprint-triathlon