YOUNG farmers from West Cumbria have raised almost a thousand pounds for a national suicide prevention charity.

Members of the Egremont Young Farmers’ Club hope some of the money will help to save lives in rural communities.

Bereaved father Andy Airey, one of the famous 3 Dads Walking, was delighted to be invited to accept the cheque on behalf of the charity PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide.

Andy, from Morland in the Eden Valley, lost his 29-year-old daughter Sophie to suicide in 2018 and has since helped to raise more than a million pounds for PAPYRUS.

“Suicide is the biggest killer of young people under the age of 35 in the UK and so to see these young farmers helping to raise money and awareness in their local community is fantastic.

“Tragically, families continue to be devastated by suicide and a high proportion of those who take their own lives are farmers and agricultural workers. Loneliness and isolation can also be a factor when people are struggling with life.” said Andy.

Egremont Young Farmers’ Club raised a total of £946.50 for PAPYRUS by staging a Dyno Day, where donations were given for guessing the power output of tractors and a Christmas Tractor Run which attracted 43 entries.

Club leader, Lesley Fowler, said: “A lot of our young farmers had seen the 3 Dads Walking on TV, thought it was such a great cause and really wanted to do something to support them.

“When Andy Airey was telling them about the loss of his daughter you could have heard a pin drop. They listened to every word and then asked him some really good questions.

“We hear stories about suicide in farming communities and we hope the money raised will help to save lives.”

The Drigg and Lamplugh Young Farmers’ Club has been thanked for supporting the fundraising.

For practical, confidential suicide prevention help and advice please contact PAPYRUS HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141, text 07860 039967 or email