A TECHNOLOGY tournament for schools is set to take place in Kendal.

Kendal Rotary Club holds a Technology Tournament for Schools every year and this year it will be hosted on March 17 at Kendal Leisure Centre.

The event is aimed at students aged 11 to 17 that will attend to design and construct a piece.

Martin French, of Kendal Rotary Club, said: "Currently I have 34 teams of four students from nine different schools taking part and will probably have more by the day.

"This is a big event for the club and is put on completely free of charge for students. In previous years students have constructed a flashing tower and a bridge."

The Westmorland Gazette: Students constructing pieces of work.Students constructing pieces of work. (Image: Martin French)

The event has a team of six judges taken from Rotarians and professionals within the engineering industry.

The judges move around the room throughout the event viewing the process of each team with marks awarded for Planning and Teamwork, Manufacture, Design and Development and their Portfolio which documents their design and decision making process.

Finally the judges view the working model and judge its effectiveness.

Cups are presented to winning teams and a certificate is awarded to each student taking part.