TWO south Cumbrian midwives have been announced winners of a top healthcare award.

The charity South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support selected Rachel Pearce and Kiva Fishwick as the winners of this year's Breast Friend Award.

The award is given each year to a local NHS health professional and acknowledges the role that NHS staff plays in families' breastfeeding journeys.

Families nominate health professionals whom they feel have made a significant positive difference to their breastfeeding experience.

The mothers who nominated the midwives said: "When my son was born I wasn’t going to breastfeed but Rachel helped me from the moment he was placed on my chest. Without her fabulous help and encouragement I would not have managed to breastfeed him for the first year of his life."

"Kiva came to see us at home on day 5, when I was in a huge amount of pain with damaged nipples. She stayed with me for over an hour trying to get baby to latch better. If it hadn’t been for Kiva’s time and support I probably would have quit. She is wonderful in what she does. She is so kind and caring but also up for a laugh, which is much needed when you feel like you’re in the pits."

Rachel and Kiva said: "'We are absolutely thrilled to be announced as winners of the Breast Friend Award this year.

"We know how challenging breastfeeding can be and we both really enjoy helping families navigate through what can be a really tricky time.

"We feel really lucky to work as part of a broader team at Helme Chase Maternity Unit who really value providing excellent breastfeeding support. Thank you so much to South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support for awarding us both this year, it means so much to both of us.'"

The charity South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support launched The Breast Friend Award in 2017. It aims to acknowledge and celebrate good practice in breastfeeding support within the NHS, in and around South Cumbria.