POLICE investigations are ongoing into two reported quad bike thefts in the Kendal area in recent weeks. 

A Cumbria Police statement said:

"Our Farm Watch groups are keeping us informed regarding any suspicious activity. 

"Officers from our Neighbourhood team have been visiting farms and the Junction 36 Auction Mart (near Crooklands) to increase awareness of the current issues, along with some crime prevention advice. 

"Officers have also increased their patrols in response to a series of quad and plant thefts from rural areas across the south of Cumbria. 

"Whilst theft from a business may feel like a victimless crime to some offenders, it is far from it. 

READ MORE: Police patrols increase after egg-throwing spree in town

"We see first-hand the wide-reaching impact it can have on local farmers, their families, and the wider community.

"Our farmers work tirelessly to support others and to care for their stock and land. 

"We would urge anyone with information on rural crime to do the right thing and report it.

"In Shap, we recently found a stolen quad bike the same day as it had a tracker fitted. 

"Although we shouldn't have to say this, as theft is a crime and should not happen, fitting a tracker to your farming equipment and vehicles can help us to locate them and return them to you swiftly. 

"Anyone with information on quad bike thefts or any other rural crime, we would ask that you report it to us so it can be investigated. No matter how small or insignificant it might seem."