POLICE Community Support Officers (PCSOs) have been tasked with keeping areas of Kendal safe following a spate of misdemeanours involving youths.

A Cumbria Police statement said: "PSCOs Mark Walker and Amanda Coleman have been carrying out regular patrols in the Heron Hill and Gooseholme areas following reports of anti-social behaviour including an incident of youths throwing eggs.

"PCSOs Walker and Coleman visited local shops in the Heron Hill area to speak to owners and employees about their concerns. 

"They also provide them with signage to display, to deter young people from buying eggs and flour to misuse. 

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"House-to-house and CCTV review enquiries have also been conducted regarding the reported incident of anti-social behaviour.

"Since PSCOs Walker and Coleman increased patrols in these areas' incidents of anti-social behaviour have lessened.

"However, we would always encourage residents to report any and all incidents to us, so we can build intelligence on areas of concern to take appropriate action such as increasing patrols or speaking to a school or group."