RETROSPECTIVE permission is being sought to change the use of a building for the purposes of retail and serving food and alcohol. 

Bosses at Lanty Slee Liquor Co. also want to set up live-in staff accommodation at the Wayside Pulpit, adjacent to Elterwater Common.

The plans are to be discussed by a meeting of the national park authority's development control committee on Wednesday.

An objection received from Lakes Parish Council refers to 'major parking concerns' and says the lane up to the property 'cannot stand more traffic'.

READ MORE: Notorious moonshine smuggler to be reborn with distillery and visitor centre

The charity Friends of the Lake District has also objected, expressing concerns over traffic and referring to the proposed change of use altering the building's character.

A series of representations in favour of the application have been submitted, with comments referring positively to the bringing back into use of a building that has lain empty for a number of years. 

Helen Eastham said: "I can only view this as an asset to the village, bringing more options for visitors and offering jobs for local residents."

In a report produced ahead of Wednesday's meeting, planner Holly Robinson recommends the application for approval.