'This is just the start'.

That was the thought of one reader after more than a dozen people from across Cumbria were arrested when eco-protestors blocked central London roads.

The group was among more than 60 supporters of Just Stop Oil from Northern England who brought Westminster to a standstill for the fourth day in a row by blocking traffic.

The group met outside Downing Street before marching in the road towards Parliament Square where they established roadblocks on all four corners, with some gluing themselves to the road surface.

Just Stop Oil is demanding that the government commits to ending all new UK fossil fuel licenses.

Asylum Bob said: "We have crop failures, fires tearing through great forests, and people dying and losing their homes in their thousands. And this is just the start. Our civilisation is under dire threat. We all know this, so to stand by with our eyes closed and our fingers in our ears is immoral and insane.’ I'm willing to guess that on all these measures there is either less damage or just normal levels. Almost everything Green is a lie or myth.”

Peter Barnett said: "What we don’t need is more disruption like idiots gluing themselves to the road delaying people from their work losing much needed pay in these hard times, delaying Doctors, Ambulances children going to school and all Emergency services. They want to protest do it at 10 Downing Street."

Dalton said: "Bet they're all a bundle of fun at home."

The Observer said: "I wonder how long that took walking from Cumbria to London?"

Keith Cockburn said: "Just leave them glued route the traffic round them see how long they last in the rain."

Jean Wilson said: "Rich people's kids they need to get a job."

Harry Johnson said: "Leave em there."

READ MORE: Police arrest Cumbrian protesters who 'glued themselves to road' in London