THE family of a renowned skydiver who died in a tragic accident is campaigning for his name to appear in the upcoming Mission Impossible film after working on the production.

Dylan Morris Roberts died at the age of 32 in June following a base-jumping accident in the Italian Dolomites.

Dylan, who lived in Dent, was killed instantly after leaping from an 800m ledge known as ‘Happy Birthday’ on the 1500m Monte Brento in the Trentino region of northern Italy.

More than 200 people attended Dylan’s funeral in July, many of whom dressed in magenta, in homage to Dylan's moniker in the jumping community of the Mangenta Pilot.

One of Dylan’s most notable achievements was working alongside Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise on the upcoming Mission Impossible 7 film as his reserve parachute packer - the ultimate safety responsibility, and rigger.

After working closely with Cruise on the production, Dylan’s family was saddened to see his name would not be included in the film credits which are published online before a movie’s official release.

READ MORE: Dylan Morris Roberts had worked with Tom Cruise for Mission Impossible

Catherine Morris, Dylan’s mum, is appealing directly to Cruise to give her late son some sort of acknowledgment in the upcoming film.

“You see all the time people pay tribute to those involved in the film in the credits that have died - and Dylan had his part to play,” she said.

“He really put his heart and soul into that job – he loved it.

“He was living away from home and so excited for it. Some recognition for the work he put in would mean so much.

“I believe that if Tom Cruise knew Dylan had died he wouldn’t have just moved on, he would’ve made sure his name was included. I bet he remembers him – Dylan had a smile that no one forgets.”

Catherine believes an acknowledgement in the upcoming Mission Impossible film would help keep her late son’s memory alive.

She said: “We’re desperately trying to make contact with Mr Cruise to see if he would be interested in acknowledging that this person supporting him in filming has tragically died.

“If we could get a special mention of some kind, it would really mean so much.

“It would be huge if we could get Dylan’s name mentioned.

“He inspired so many people with what he did and was a natural teacher, with so much to offer.

“Dylan was so dedicated to his work and was always trying to use his position to inspire others. I want to keep that alive. I don’t want that to die with him.

“He was a young man with so much to give.

“We’re so proud of what Dylan managed to achieve and the difference he made to other people’s lives. We want to continue that legacy.”