AN ADVENTURE centre which focusses on providing new experiences to disadvantaged young people made an appearance on a popular BBC show at the weekend.

The Kepplewray Centre was visited by James Lusted and featured on the latest episode of BBC show Songs of Praise.

The episode focussed on Carlisle Cathedral, but a segment was held in the South Lakes, around Broughton and Coniston, with activity leaders and young people.

In the show, they James Lusted takes part in activities such as crate stacking in the forest and canoeing on Coniston.

Director Nick Breton told James: "We are a Christian based centre but we are open to all. We have a particular desire to bring people from vulnerable, low income or disadvantaged settings or those living with other barriers in life.

"We have a very strong ethos of inclusion for all, making sure that everyone has a good time together, learns from, and helps each other.

"We take as our inspiration the words of Jesus in John's 10:10, where he says: 'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full'."

In the segment, James speaks to disadvantaged youngsters, guardians, and activity centre staff.

Craig Wallace, Activities Manager at Kepplewray, said: “I think my best time here at Kepplewray was when we had a guy fully immobile in his chair, couldn’t verbally community at all and barely any special communication. We helped him down the ramp and when he got down it, the most amazing smile broke out across his face."

While a woman taking part in the activities explained that it would not be something that they could usually do, expressing that she appreciates the opportunity to be included.

She said: "All these challenges are not a challenge when you come somewhere like this."

Other youngsters told James that the activities were 'exhilarating' and out of their comfort zone, but enjoyable.