KIRKBIE Kendal School pupils have picked up their results for their A-levels this morning.

Students opened their results at the school’s court yard to find out how they had done in their selected subjects, with many of them about to leave home to head off to university.

Individual successes include:

  • Calum Chaplow: A*AA who heads to the University of Leeds to study Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering.
  • Hannah Cochlan: AAA who is heading to the University of Leeds to study Biology.
  • Head Girl Anna Hayton Dist* Dist* Dist* who will study Primary Education at the University of Cumbria.
  • Charlotte Howie: Dist* Dist Dist who will study Occupational Therapy at the University of Cumbria.
  • Ella Park: A*AA who is heading to the University of Edinburgh to study Mathematics.
  • Charlie Smith: ABB who is heading to Manchester Metropolitan University to study Product Design Engineering.
  • Sam Wilsden: A*AA who is heading to the University of Leeds to study Natural Sciences.
  • Heather Wilson: A*A*A who will study Economics and Politics at the University of Glasgow.
  • Hannah Wright: A*A*A who goes to the University of Manchester to study International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response.

Bobby Gorst, who is heading to Durham University after achieving great success with his results will go on to study Ancient History.

He said: “I got an A and two A*s in Politics, England language and History.

“It feels good in finding out I have got in this morning to university and it was on my mind a lot in the days before.

“I just wanted to know straight away this morning if I got in.

“So, I’m really happy. I’ll be going to study ancient history in University and my EPQ was also history based.

“I felt the exams went well and I’m so happy with my results.”

Scarlett Carrick will be going to the University of Sheffield after her successful time at Kirkbie Kendal.

She said: “I will be going into Orthoptics. Originally, I was wanting to get into something else but this jumped out at me at careers day. I was originally going to work with glasses, but Orthoptics is about treatment for eyes.

“It will be around helping people with lazy eyes or a squint.

“I got an A in physics. A grade B in Design and Technology, and an A in Mathematics.

“There are only three courses across the UK for this in university, and during my three-year course I will be doing a three- or four-week placement for each year that will be in a different city across the country.

“I only needed three Bs to get into this course, so that was what I was aiming for, but anything above that was a great bonus to get.”

Emma Boyles studied Art, Sociology and Product Design and was waiting to open her results when she got home.

She said: “I’m waiting until I get home until I read them, but I already looked to see if I had got into university.

“Accommodation has been sorted and I’m a bit nervous about leaving home but it will be a great time.

“I want to go into illustration, with the aim of working as a story boarder in films. Particularly anime.

“I am a big Disney fan.

“I will be going to York which is a beautiful place.

“I originally was moving toward cinematography but I felt that wasn’t what I wanted to do. When I found out about the art side to it, I went towards that.”

Mark Harris Headteacher said: “Well done to all of our Year 13 students who have picked up their grades today.

“The hard work of our students and their teachers has been rewarded with a fantastic set of results and it is great to see students moving on to exciting university courses and high-level apprenticeships.

“These students have shown great resilience and have coped brilliantly with the disruption caused by Covid.

“These students did not get the opportunity to sit their GCSEs and so these were the first set of external exams they have faced and they have performed superbly.

“The independent learning skills they had to use over lockdown will stand them in good stead in their future education and employment.

“It is another year of excellent sixth form results.

“We are very proud of all our students have achieved and their contributions to our school community.

“We wish them well and they now become part of our Kirkbie Kendal Alumni.”