A care home resident near Grange decided to put her highly-honed skills to use when she saw news reports about the extent of the suffering in Ukraine.

Joan Wright, 84, who has enjoyed knitting for her whole life, is a resident at The Old Vicarage Care Home in Allithwaite, and with the help of staff member Christine Cleasby, she made several blankets to be donated to the Ukraine appeal.

Joan, who has made previously made blankets to be donated to local charities, said:

"After seeing the reports on the news, I felt I had to do something to help."

The blankets were given to Hackney and Leigh Solicitors in Grange, who are taking two vans of donations to Preston, where the charity International Aid Trust will coordinate the processing and sending of donations to Ukraine.

READ MORE: Newsquest & LOCALiQ - #ThereWithUkraine