A heartbroken landlord of a house just south of Kendal discovered a 'gigantic' Boa Constrictor among mounds of rubbish when his tenant finally moved out - despite him being an animal 'rescuer' who bragged how well he looked after them.

Landlord Phil Tewkesley has been battling for months to evict the occupants, who he claims used the Covid-19 of a pandemic as an excuse to refuse him access to inspect the property for the last two years.

However upon entering the property once they finally left - after reportedly not paying rent for the final six months - Phil was horrified to discover the property swamped in litter and junk.

The 47-year-old soon discovered among the mounds of trash in the rented bungalow four snakes - two dead and two alive - fish, bugs crawling across the carpets and even a scorpion and tarantula.

Shockingly, the 'tenant from hell' is believed to be an animal lover who has previously spoken out against abandoning snakes.

He had previously rescued a boa constrictor and stated that it would be 'well looked after' - which is believed to be the same snake found left in a tank in his former residence.

The Westmorland Gazette: SNAKE: This is where Phil stumbled upon the giant snakeSNAKE: This is where Phil stumbled upon the giant snake

Photo Credit: Kennedy News

In the past, he had even publicly urged people to take reptiles to rescue centres if they can't manage them, but the RSPCA were forced to step in and rescue two live snakes as well as removing the other dead exotic animals.

The landlord has now shared shocking details of the trashed home and abandoned reptiles in a bid to raise awareness of the issues faced by landlords, particularly through Covid.

Phil, from Worsley, Greater Manchester, said: "It was unbelievable, the sheer volume of not just belongings but actual rubbish and food.

"I've never seen anything like it in my life - it was like a rubbish dump with a roof on it.

"The neighbours said they were hoarders - they got deliveries every day and never threw anything out.

"There was mould growing from the carpet and it was full of urine, mealworms - you name it, it was rotten.

"There was also evidence in a number of spots of rodent damage and a bit of an infestation with holes gnawed through places around the house.

The Westmorland Gazette: VILE: It took 54 'stomach-churning' hours to clear the messVILE: It took 54 'stomach-churning' hours to clear the mess

Photo Credit: Kennedy News

"The daughter's room was the worst - my partner Lisa cleared that and had to run out of the house heaving and retching numerous times because of the stench of urine.

"I saw this huge tank and it was dirty. I looked a bit closer into the tank and got the shock of my life - there was this gigantic snake curled up.

"I was terrified, I screamed and ran out of the house because the shock of seeing something like that was unbelievable."

Phil issued a formal notice for the tenants to vacate the bungalow upon his return to the UK in late 2020, after living and working abroad for six years.

But the couple, who lived in the property with their teen daughter, didn't leave for another year, even allegedly refusing to pay rent for the final six months.  

The landlord was only able to regain access to his property, in December 2021, by having a locksmith burst and change the locks after neighbours informed him they had seen the tenants move out.

Phil, an HR manager, then made the grim discovery that the entire three-bedroom and one-bathroom house was piled high with rubbish and housing both dead and live exotic animals left behind by the couple.

After the shocking discovery, Phil phoned the RSPCA and left a spare key with the neighbours, allowing them to come and collect the 'gigantic' snake the following day, 31 December.

Due to the discovery of another live snake as well as two dead snakes and other dead exotic animals - including fish, scorpions and a tarantula - the RSPCA officers called the police, who sent an officer to witness the recovery of the animals.  

Once they were removed, the locks were changed and the tenant was given a month to remove the rest of his belongings before the clean up could begin.

It took the landlord, his partner Lisa McCartney, 40, and some friends around 54 stomach-churning hours to clear all of the rubbish and rip the soiled carpets out.

Phil said: "I initially hired three skips - at £250 each - and we filled them in one day, followed by another two which were full to the brim as well.

"I also had to pay for the council to do a large collection of the sofa and kitchen appliances because they were rotten.

The Westmorland Gazette: DUMP: Surveyors could not open the doors to some roomsDUMP: Surveyors could not open the doors to some rooms

Photo Credit: Kennedy News

"It cost about £1,200 just to get rid of their stuff and the stuff they'd wrecked and it's going to cost tens of thousands to get it back to how it should have been.

"It's been a really stressful period, trying to get him to leave and then to find what I found.

"We're getting married at the end of this year so it's something we really didn't need to have to deal with."

The landlord has owned the property since 2011 and used it as a holiday home until he moved to Australia for work in late 2014, at which point he decided to rent it out on the understanding that he would need the tenants to vacate upon his return.

Phil ended up staying in Australia for six years, until he was made redundant and forced to move back to the UK suddenly in August 2020.

The landlord said he felt the new rule, introduced due to Covid, of giving tenants six months to find somewhere new to live was 'fair', setting the vacation deadline at April 2021.

But in January of that year, he got the first hint that something was wrong at the property when his application to release capital from the bungalow to help fund a new house deposit was rejected due to the state of the property.

By the move deadline of April the tenants said they still weren't ready to leave and even stopped paying rent in June that year, despite continuing to live in the property for further six months.

During this time the couple also continued to refuse access to the property for an inspection.

Phil said: "For the final two years of his lease I tried to get a delegate to inspect the property and he either ignored or declined every request.

"He used the Covid situation to his advantage quite significantly to prevent me moving in or even inspecting it.    

"Him declining me access gave me a bit of a clue that things weren't right but when my finance application got knocked back I knew something was really wrong.

"The surveyor couldn't even open the door to some rooms so couldn't survey the entire property. I was really worried but couldn't do anything about it because he wouldn't let me in.

"December last year I was going to be in the area so I emailed and asked if I could inspect - he said no so I said well you can't stop me inspecting the outside of my property.

"I drove up and saw the neighbours - I told them I was having some trouble evicting the tenant and they said 'he's gone, he left in early December'.

"I wrote to him again and he said although he'd got the keys to a new property he wasn't ready to move out because it needed redecorating, which is laughable considering the state of my house.

"The curtains at the front of the house were closed so I walked to the side and looked through the kitchen window - it was unbelievable."

The revelation from the neighbours that the tenants had already moved out of the property in early December combined with a peek of the vile mess through the window and the lack of rent payments for six months spurred Phil to take action.

The Westmorland Gazette: RUBBISH: A familiar scene throughout the trashed houseRUBBISH: A familiar scene throughout the trashed house

He was forced to break the locks to finally regain access to the property and force the tenants to collect the rest of their belongings, allowing him to clear the remaining mountains of 'junk' in early February.

The 'heartbroken' landlord now vows never to rent the property out again and hopes to return the bungalow to its former state to visit as a holiday home again.

After being rejected for any compensation by his insurance, he hopes to raise awareness of how he feels there needs to be more support for landlords against 'rogue tenants'.

Phil said: "I spoke to a solicitor who said the law has been written to protect tenants against rogue landlords but what it really does is protect rogue tenants.

"I was advised by the solicitor not to bother taking the tenant to court because we didn't think he had the means to pay anything back.

"My insurance won’t cover a penny because in their opinion it’s just the way he lived and they don’t class it as malicious damage and they've upped my premium because of my claim."

A spokesperson for the RSPCA said: "We can confirm that four snakes - two sadly dead and two alive - were removed from a property in [Cumbria] by the RSPCA following a report from a member of the public.  

"The live snakes were rehomed at a specialist boarding facility.  

"As there is now a live investigation, we are not able to provide any further information at the moment."

The tenant acknowledged the house was 'a state' but blamed not having his boiler serviced, a family member's illness, issues with his shower and central heating for the mess.

He bemoaned the landlord being 'rude' to him because the council couldn't find suitable accommodation for them and claims the animals were only left because the locks had been changed.

When quizzed on the number of dead animals in the property, the tenant said they were 'a lapse' and that he was 'still grieving' for them. He claimed there was no tarantula, even though a tarantula is clearly visible in one of the images.

Cumbria Police confirmed that an officer attended the incident and supported the RSPCA.