RESIDENTS from South Lakeland and North Lancashire will join people across the UK on Saturday (February 26) to call for voting reform.

As part of Make Votes Matter – a cross-party campaign advocating Proportional Representation (PR) for House of Commons elections – people around the country will be out and about campaigning for the alternative voting system.

In Kendal, campaigners will hold a street stall at the Birdcage, on the junction of Finkle Street and Stricklandgate. 

The group will be there to hear opinions, answer questions, and invite people to sign a petition to change the current First Past the Post voting system.

Steve Bavin, who is taking part, said: “I’m getting involved because I think it’s unfair how many people’s votes don’t make a jot of difference to election results.

“Here in Kendal, we have a reasonably competitive race when electing an MP, though the system forces some people to vote tactically.

“Elsewhere, in so-called safe seats, many people find that voting is effectively pointless so don’t bother taking part.

“The UK is one of the few developed economies that still hasn’t changed to Proportional Representation – it’s time for a fairer voting system in this country fit for the 21st century.”

Make Votes Matter North Lancashire (which also covers South Lakeland) started in May 2021 and now holds regular meetings. It is planning a series of campaign events for 2022 across North Lancashire and south Cumbria.

Contact for further details.