HERE are the latest plans under the South Lakes District Council.


Detached building for dog day-care, Sea Shell Cottage, Roosebeck, Ulverston. For Mr and Mrs Lee Minhinnick.

Change of use of part agricultural field and existing store to 3 static timber holiday lodges and associated works, field and barn accessed opposite Moorhouse Farm, Scales, Ulverston. For Mr Daniel Laisby.

Stone outbuilding (Retrospective), Tithe Barn, Barn Garth, Cartmel. For Mr Gordon Woolley.

Alterations and refurbishment of first floor, LBC, Kings Arms Hotel, The Square, Cartmel. For J Whittle, North West Property.

Two single garages, land adjacent to The Hollies, Keasdale Road, Storth, Milnthorpe. For Mr Philip Cooke.

Application to determine if prior approval is required for a change of use of agricultural building to single dwelling, Oldfield Barn, Docker, Kendal. For Simon & Emma Evans.

Replacement detached double garage (Resubmission SL/2020/0868), Dower House, Eccle Riggs Lane, Broughton-in-Furness. For Mr John Stone.

Proposed garden store, Cartref, Greenodd, Ulverston. For Mr and Mrs Derek Legget.

Internal alterations, replacement of C20th window with double doors & new Velux roof window, LBC, Yew Tree House, 5 Cart Lane, Grange-over-Sands. For Ms Tracey Darrington.

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission SL/2021/0167 (Alterations including raising roof to create first floor accommodation and 2 storey side extension (Resubmission of SL/2020/0742)), The Shieling, Eden Park Road, Grange-over-Sands. For Mr and Mrs Sharples.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2017 (as amended) to install 2 new poles, South View, Helsington, Kendal. For Vanitha Ramalingam.

Demolition of existing bungalow & construction of new dwelling, Sunny Brea, Helsington, Kendal. For A Thomas.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2017 (as amended) to install 9M light wooden pole, land opposite 12 Fountain Brow, Kendal. For Daniel Lancaster.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2017 (as amended) to install 10M medium Wooden pole, corner of Cliff Lane and Sepulchre Lane, Kendal.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2017 (as amended) to install 10M medium wooden pole, land adjacent to 3 Orchard View, Kendal.

T1- Conifer – Fell, 49 Serpentine Road, Kendal. For J Sharmen.

T1 - Cypress - fell due to it extending out in to parking space, T2 - Cherry - vandalised - fell and replant , 1 Edgecombe Court, Kendal. For South Lakes Housing.

All branches/hedges directly in front of the signage will be reduced by 0.5 metres below the signage to ensure clearance and visibility of the signage, Co-op, Aynam Lodge, Bridge Street, Kendal. For Co-op.

Single storey side garage extension with electric car charging point, 1 Applerigg, Kendal. For Mr John Clarkson.

Discharge of condition 3 (External materials) attached to planning permission SL/2020/0908, 6 Porsche Centre, Longpool, Kendal. For McCarthy Stone Retirement Lifestyle.

Discharge of conditions 3 (hard and soft landscaping), 5 (bicycle parking spaces) , 6 (hard and soft landscaping) & 8 (refuse & recycling) attached to planning permission SL/2020/0648, Obelisk House, 102 - 104 Captain French Lane, Kendal. For Mr David Naylor - Mill House Estates Ltd.

Improvements including additional seating areas, car parking, redesign of the communal garden area, new storage area for mobility scooters & new bin storage areas, Castle Walk, Kendal. For Mr Gill.

Replacement UPVC front windows, 15 Nether Street, Kendal. For Mr Simon Strand.

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to prior approval CU/2021/0007 (Application to determine if prior approval is required for a change of use of an agricultural barn to a dwelling), Ghyll End Farm Barn, Kirkby-in-Furness. For Mr and Mrs Walkden.

Removal of condition 3 (ancillary accommodation) attached to planning permission SL/2019/0652 (Alterations and extension to existing house, including external works and demolition of existing garages and erection of single garage with ancillary accommodation over), 7 Fairgarth Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale. For Mrs Emma Jupp.

Installation of new window on front elevation and internal alterations, 5 Market Street, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands. For Mr Lin-Flounder's Chip Shop.

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission SL/2021/0413 (Raising of roof to provide first floor living accommodation, garage conversion and detached garage), Craigroy, Pennington, Ulverston. For Mr & Mrs Hool.

Rear open storm porch, 3 The Hollins, Hollins Lane, Burneside, Kendal. For Mr & Mrs Ryan & Kaye Krause-Whiteing.

Single storey rear extension extending 4.00 metres (measured externally) beyond the rear wall of the original house with a maximum height of 3.10 metres (measured externally from natural ground level) and maximum height to eaves of 3.00 metres (measured externally), 8 Woodland Road, Ulverston. For Mr M Dickinson.

2 small ash with 50% ash die back + ivy next to garden shed-Fell(twigs marked). Twin-stem ash, 10+15cm DBH, with 50% ash dieback, garden adjacent.-Fell(marked with pink spot). Various trees adjacent to Springfield Road with overhanging branches. Prune and crown lift to meet Highways specifications(Not marked), Swarthmoor Hall Wood, Springfield Road, Ulverston. For The Woodland Trust.

Refurbishment and extension of existing horse ménage (Retrospective), Candlewyck, Old Hall Road, Ulverston. For Ms Sam Duncan.

Internal alteration to increase the number of apartments from 15 to 16, Hoad View Apartments, North Lonsdale Road, Ulverston. For Mr Mark Fox.

Single storey swimming pool extension and erection of detached triple garage (Resubmission of SL/2021/0703), Homestead, Lightburn Road, Ulverston. For Mr David Armer.


T1 Ash - pollard & T2 Ash – Fell, Priory Close House, Priory Close, Cartmel. For Mr Mark Jones. No objections.

T.1 Beech - Crown reduce up to 1.5 metres, Fieldbeck, Barn Garth, Cartmel. for Mr Phillips. No objections.

Removal of approximately 14 young Ash, Elm and Sycamore from an area where they are going to cause ongoing conflict with telegraph poles, overhead wires and neighbours' gardens as they mature. We wish to replace the trees at a 1:1 ratio with more-suitable, lower-growing orchard species, such as Apple, Pear and Plum in the wider former village green area, where soil conditions allow, land known as Plot 4, Leighton Beck Road, Slack Head, Milnthorpe. For Mr John Scargill, Beetham Parish Council. No objections.

Temporary installation of an internal stair lift, Blawith Lodge, Windermere Road,Grange-over-Sands. For Mr Mike Fallowfield. Listed Building – grant with conditions.

T.1 Holly Fell, T.2 Silver Birch Fell, T.3 Silver Birch crown reduce 0.5 metre, T.4 Purple Maple crown reduce 0.5 metre, Craigmore, Charney Road, Grange-over-Sands. For Mr & Mrs Westley. No objections.

T1 & T6 Ash - Fell due to Ash Dieback. T3 Elm and T4 & T5 Sycamore - crown reduce by up to 30% of crown volume, Silva Gars, Lyndene Drive, Grange-over-Sands. For Mrs Elaine Garnett. No objections.

Erection of a wooden workshop and tool store, and to aid with shelter from inclement weather when undertaking small scale forestry activities, land to the South East of Spring Bank Road, Spring Bank Road, Grange-over-Sands. For Mr Jamie Campbell. PN AGBU PA req and approved.

1 non-illuminated fascia sign and 1 non-illuminated hanging sign, 28 Lowther Street, Kendal. For Ms Nicola Foot - Haigh Architects. Advert - Grant with conditions.

Application for Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for a rear dormer extension, 71 Bleaswood Road, Oxenholme, Kendal. For Mr & Mrs Mason. Lawful Dev Cert - proposed grant.

1 non-illuminated fascia sign and 1 non-illuminated hanging sign, 28 Lowther Street, Kendal. For Ms Nicola Foot - Haigh Architects. Listed Building – Grant with conditions.

T1 Portuguese Laurel - Crown raise back from the house and Crown reduction to 3 m from the ground. T2 Cotoneaster - Crown raise back from house/garage and crown reduction to 3 m from the ground. T3 Goat Willow - Crown raise back from house/garage and crown reduction to 3 m. T4 Cypress conifer - Crown raise back from house/garage and crown reduction to 3 m from the ground. T5 Yew - crown raise to 5.2 m all round but particularly where it overhangs into Bankfield Road. T6 Dawn Redwood - Cut down and remove, 1 Bankfield Garden, Kendal. For Mrs Chris Leybourne. No objections.

Willow – Fell, 4 Yard, 127 Stricklandgate, Kendal. For Miss Teresa Doherty. No objections.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2017 (as amended) to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus, outside 59 Stramongate, Kendal. For Mr Chad Magee – Openreach. PN TEL PA not required.

Discharge of conditions 6 (internal carriageway & footways), 8 (construction management plan) and 9 (drainage) attached to planning permission SL/2018/0364, land adjacent to Burlington Primary School, Kirkby-in-Furness. For Mr Tom Whitehead. Partial discharge of conditions.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2017 (as amended) to install poles at 9 locations on and around Buckhorn Lane, Chapels, Kirkby-in-Furness. For Malathi Dama – Openreach. PN TEL PA not required.

Paint and seal the wall box and install a replacement lamp pedestal box under the Royal Mail Statutory rights Schedule 6 of the Postal Services Act 2000, The Green, Oxenholme Lane, Natland, Kendal. For Post Box Team Royal Mail. No objections.

Discharge of condition 5 (Noise) attached to planning permission SL/2019/0257, Co-Operative Retail Services Ltd, Priory Road, Ulverston. For The Co-operative. Partial discharge of conditions.

Formal notification of 28 days notice in accordance with regulation 5 of the electronic communications code) 2003 (as amended) for the removal of 6 antennas, 1 cabinet and all ancillary development & installation of 6 antennas, 2 cabinets and all ancillary development, Telecommunications site at Canal Side, Ulverston. PN TEL PA not required.