CONISTON Power Boat Records Week welcomed another great day of speeding yesterday which they hope is going to continue.

Another flat calm start to the day yesterday on Coniston Water with crystal clear sky’s following the overnight display of the Aurora Borealis.

Just after 8am Alan Pickard was the first run of the Day on his Aquabike, sadly not fast enough to increased his record he set yesterday.

The first record of the day went to Jonny Brewer who set a new National Record in the Formula GP Light class at 79.85mph. Jonny went straight back out on the water to set a new Formula 4 World record at 80.00mph.

In total there were over 40 record attempts made today on the course with 14 of those wither breaking or re-breaking records in National Classes and one World Record set.

The weather tomorrow morning looks another great day for breaking water speed records. One to watch tomorrow morning is Sam Whittle who is attempting to break the Formula 2 World Record.

The F2 Record currently stands at 132.18mph held by Sam’s father Keith Whittle which was set on Coniston in 2013.