CUMBRIA Wildlife Trust says that tackling the climate emergency and nature crisis is now urgent and they must be tackled together.

In the run up to COP26 in Glasgow, Cumbria Wildlife Trust says now is the time to tackle the twin crises with urgency and determination

Cumbria Wildlife Trust is calling on the UK Presidency of the global climate conference COP26 to tackle the nature crisis alongside the climate emergency – or neither will be solved.

Speaking ahead of the international conference in Glasgow, Stephen Trotter, Chief Executive of Cumbria Wildlife Trust, said: “It’s vital that Cumbria is resilient to the climate of the future – but sadly we are a long way from achieving this.

“There is an urgent need to put nature into recovery across Cumbria if we’re going to adapt to the extremes of climate that are likely in the coming years and decades. Not only is that going to help wildlife, local communities and the environment adapt to global warming and extreme weather - but nature can make an important contribution in its own right to achieving net zero carbon emissions in Cumbria. "