A FAMILY is desperately trying to raise money for surgery which they are unable to get on the NHS.

Hayley Phillips, of Windermere, says that her son, Cole, would have a much improved life if he were to get surgery the NHS don't deem him eligible for.

Cole has spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy and uses a powered wheelchair to move around.

Ms Phillips said: "He has asked me quite a few times: 'Why can’t I walk? When will I be able to walk?'

"As he grows older, he's becoming more aware that he's a little bit different than the other children around him."

Cole is unable to sit, stand or walk unaided and gets about in his power chair.

His condition has caused his right hip to fully dislocate so he now needs reconstructive surgery, and has very painful cramps that wake him at night.

The family are looking to get an operation for Cole called a selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR).

This would greatly reduce the intense pressure on his legs, causing him less pain and allowing him greater freedom in other aspects of his life; such as eating, swallowing, and using his hands and arms.

Ms Phillips continued: "If your legs were permanently tensed and you couldn't untense them, imagine the impact that would have on other parts of your body.

"If he could do more things for himself, that would have a knock on effect for everything: his happiness, his confidence and how he can interact with the world."

The NHS does offer this treatment but Cole's condition doesn't make the cut-off for how serious it has to be.

Ms Phillips used to be a hairdresser, but is now a full-time carer for Cole.

She said: "It's difficult, of course it is, but you have to learn to take every day as it comes.

"It’s making sure that he enjoys his childhood and it’s not taken over by these conditions, he’s a four-and-a-half year old little boy that just wants to play Roblox and enjoy The Hulk.

"He's the most loving boy. He says all the time: 'I love you so much, mummy.'

"He's very bright too. He's taught me that there's more to life than walking."

Cole has a JustGiving page, titled 'Weʼre raising £20,000 to Cole's SDR journey.'

The page was set up on Wednesday and is already just short of 10 per cent to the goal.

His mum didn't just want to accept money.

"I don't want to just ask people to give us money, I also want ideas or suggestions for ways to make it. Raffles, fundraisers and things like that. I'm new to all this, to be honest.

"Everyone wants the best for their kids and when there’s an option there that will really help your child but there’s a massive amount of money in between you and the treatment, it’s an awful feeling.

"I just to know we are giving him the best chance to reach his full potential.

"He’s been through enough already, he deserves this."