A TEACHER who was given a one in five chance of survival after being diagnosed with a rare advanced and aggressive cancer is marking a milestone since she was given the all clear.

Today will mark five years since Jane Reedy, from Kendal, was told she was all clear from oesophageal cancer

Since her diagnosis in March 2016 the Ghyllside Primary School teacher has undergone five operations, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Some of these operations were preventative after Ms Reedy was told in 2017 that she had the BRCA1 gene, meaning that she has an increased risk of ovarian and breast cancer.

To celebrate the huge milestone and to raise funds for Cancercare and Cancer Research UK, who she was referred to for support during her treatment, Ms Reedy took on her Big 5 challenge, which saw her run, ride and swim in a bid to raise £5,000.

The Westmorland Gazette: CHALLENGE: Jane Reedy is embarking on her Big 5 Challenge

“After my diagnosis, I was given a one in five chance of survival after five years,” said Ms Reedy.

“To celebrate this five-year landmark and ‘my second chance at life,’ I decided to take on five chosen challenges in five months with the aim of raising £5,000 for Cancer Care and Cancer Research UK (split 75 per cent and 25 per cent respectively).”

The challenges-spanning five months this year- kicked off with the Cumbria Traverse, a linear route from Broughton Mills to Keswick over the fells, taking in many mountains over the 30 miles.

In August she completed the Frog Whitton, 96 miles of biking over most of Lakeland’s passes and six miles of swimming in different lakes.

The third challenge saw her swim the length of Coniston (5.25 miles), before she took part in CancerCare’s Cross Bay Walk from Arnside to Grange for her penultimate challenge.

And on Sunday she completed her final challenge with a beach ride on horseback at Bardsea.

The Westmorland Gazette: FINISHED: Jane Reedy's final challenge was horse riding along Bardsea

“Each of these amazing challenges aimed to inspire people to enjoy the little things in life, plan the big and remember that there is always hope,” said Ms Reedy.

“They have each been unique and provided me with incredible memories which I will treasure for ever.

“None of them would have been possible without the support of my amazing husband, Matt, and daughter Tess, both of whom have supported me with every challenge.

“Neither would they have been possible without my network of incredible friends, many of whom I have known for years, others I have got to know through the past five years and some I have got to know through doing these five challenges.”

Ms Reedy’s nine-year-old daughter Tess summed up the experience.

“It’s been an amazing journey and it’s been emotional, but I have loved all of it,” she said.

“It’s been great to be part of it and watch mummy doing it- seeing her enjoying it with her friends.”

Ms Reedy has almost reached her £5,000 target and to donate visit Jane Reedy’s Big Five Challenge on Virgin Money Giving.