A CHARITY has donated a state-of-the-art $5,000 wheelchair to a school in Ulverston to help the disabled access areas in the county.

Community Solutions, an Ulverston-based charity, which predominantly focusses on helping people with loneliness, isolation and mental health issues, has secured a donation from an organisation in the US to fund a modern electric off-road wheelchair for Sandside Lodge School in Ulverston.

The group, which provides positive well-being social support groups to create supportive community networks in the area, looks at projects where they may be able to help certain demographics within the community.

Among which is enabling disabled people to access more areas in the Lake District

Grant Huck, chairman of Community Solutions, said: “Mobility is an expensive issue for those who are immobile, so I recently managed to secure a donation from Utah Trikes in the USA for a modern electric off-road ‘Not a Wheelchair’.

“It’s worth approximately $5000 and we want to donate it to Sandside School in Ulverston for them to use.”

On Saturday, Mr Huck visited the school to hand over ‘the Rig’ which he believes will benefit a number of pupils at the school who want to explore the mountainous terrain around Furness.

Headteacher Donna Stretton was delighted to see the new asset and said it will be available for community use soon.