SUPPORT has been shown to the council over a pledge to work with the Government to accept refugees fleeing war-torn Afghanistan.

Cumbria County Council 'stand ready to help' if the Home Office asks them to resettle those being allowed into the country through the resettlement programme announced on Wednesday. 

David Thomson said: "Personally I think we will need to take more people in from the area; there's plenty of space of in Cumbria.

"Well done to the council.

"It's because of our intervention in 2001 that this has happened."

Jodders3303 said: "Should we help Afghan refugees after the devastation we've wrought upon their country? Absolutely 100% we should.

"The UK has involved itself needlessly in the country since 1839.

"For those saying 'what about the folk waiting on housing lists already', successive governments have ignored issues of housing and domestic deprivation. Cuts to local council budegets under austerity have had a deep and lasting negative impact on vulnerable people."

The Good Cumbrian said: "The desire to leave these poor people to their fate and turn them away in their hour of need after they've worked and sacrificed for us, in a war we had a major part in starting and maintaining, is disgusting."

Grumpyoldbiker said: "It goes back a long time, we should not have got involved in the first place. Our armed forces have been salami sliced to the point that they have a minimum capacity to do anything anymore without American and NATO involvement."

There were some concerns about the costs involved.

TimV said: "No consultation with local people who fund the councils. These decisions are hijacked by people who should represent their constituents."

Carl Burton said: "How much more is that going to cost the taxpayer?  Our pension age is rising, tax is going up.

"Why don't we just stay out of other country's business?"