HERE IS the round up of our Community News contributions from Ambleside to Grasmere.

The Westmorland Gazette: COMMUNITY NEWS: HevershamCOMMUNITY NEWS: Heversham


VOLUNTEERS are available to help anyone in Heversham or Hincaster with shopping or other tasks during the current lockdown.

Phone 0745 103583 between nine and five any day, or email

The Westmorland Gazette: COMMUNITY NEWS: HolmeCOMMUNITY NEWS: Holme


THIS YEAR has been a difficult one for everyone, but particularly for Charities.

A large proportion of their usual sponsors have lost their jobs or have been furloughed, so there is little or no money to give to their favourite charity.

A GROUP of people, based in St Patrick’s Church, Endmoor and other local churches, sponsor children in the Good Samaritan Orphanage, Andhra Pradesh, South India, which is run by Christians. These children have done nothing wrong, except to be born into families who are extremely poor and cannot support them.

Others have lost their parents to HIV or other terminal illnesses. Halfway through this year, the people who run the Orphanage sent us a plea: “We don’t need medicine, we need food.”

This is because, just like here, parents of many children had lost their jobs, but there is no welfare state. In order to keep their children alive, they had to take them to the Orphanage.

WOULD you give to one or more of these children, the joy of being regularly fed, by donating £3 a month to the Charity, or even better, sponsoring a child at £15 a month, which covers food, healthcare, clothing, shelter and education?

In return, you will receive a letter from and a photograph of your child twice a year. 

THE CUMBRIA based Charity “Good Samaritan Orphanage and MFRP” UK Charity No 1115879 is staffed by volunteers.

There are no administrative costs, every penny given goes directly to the children in the Orphanage. If you would like more details, please contact Liz Dew, or telephone 01524 781645 Or Bill Walker or telephone 01524 781817.

The Westmorland Gazette: COMMUNITY NEWS: Milnthorpe COMMUNITY NEWS: Milnthorpe


MILNTHORPE Area Food Bank provides short term emergency food parcels to people living in the following villages and their surrounding areas.

Milnthorpe, Arnside, Storth, Heversham, Beetham, Crooklands, Holme, Burton. Access to the Food bank is via referral from local agencies, community leaders and support workers.

For more information go to the website or phone 07582166564.

REMEMBRANCE events began with a parade of wreath layers moving from the Market Cross to the war memorial led by a British Legion flag. The hymn “O God our help in ages past” was played over the loudspeakers. Vicar Rev Brian Kerr led a brief service with Father Philip Smith from the Roman Catholic church giving a short address. Names of the Milnthorpe lads who fell were read out by Roger Bingham. A female trumpeter played the Last Post and after a silent tribute played Reveille. Wreathes were laid on behalf of several organisations, including the Parish Council, District Council, Primary School and Police.

Finally, the National Anthem was played.

The Westmorland Gazette: COMMUNITY NEWS: Storth COMMUNITY NEWS: Storth


THE Community Cooperative Committee is sad to report the untimely death of Barry Morris after a short illness.

Barry was a committee member for many years.

He was responsible for the newspaper and magazine distribution.

In addition, he was always willing to volunteer in

the shop, both at weekends and during the week. He will be sorely missed both by the committee and by many residents.

The Westmorland Gazette: COMMUNITY NEWS: Underbarrow COMMUNITY NEWS: Underbarrow


THERE will be a meeting of Underbarrow & Bradleyfield Parish Council to be held by ZOOM on Wednesday 18th November 2020 at 7pm.

The Agenda and documents for the meeting will be on the village website at, and on the notice board outside the Institute.

Public participation is invited, if you wish to attend please email the parish council clerk Mr Kevin

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