Kendal Town Council could be adopting a phone box.

Currently, there are 46 classic old phone booths to choose from around south Lakeland.

Action with Communities in Cumbria is encouraging communities to take their local phone box over and use it for the benefit of their community.

BT is seeking views on whether to remove or adopt 46 BT telephone kiosks around South Lakeland. The South Lakeland District Council are carrying out the consultation for BT which closes on the 11th October.

Jon Owen who chaired the Kendal Town Councils environment and highways committee meeting has proposed that the council take on the old BT phone box outside of Mc Donald’s at 71 Stricklandgate in Kendal’s shopping area.

The box could be reconditioned to carry Council messages and posters.

The most common use for old boxes that are still located in high streets has been to house AED defibrillators for emergency medical use. With others used as tourist information centres and micro libraries.

The rise of mobile phone technology has seen the demise of one of the most well know of British Icons.