South Lakeland District Council is delighted to sponsor the Green/Ethical Business of the Year category in this year's inCumbria Business Awards.

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South Lakeland encompasses a vast section of the beautiful southern Lake District. It is one of Britain’s most spectacular and most visited tourism destinations - but is also home to world leaders in the fields of manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, culture and the arts and construction.

South Lakeland District Council is working with Lancaster City Council and Barrow Borough Council to promote the area around Morecambe Bay - a “world-class functioning economic area” - working together to build on our collective strengths in areas such as energy, advanced manufacturing, digital technologies, life sciences, health innovation, higher education and the visitor economy, as well as facing the climate emergency and reducing inequality in our communities.

SLDC takes the issue of climate change seriously and sustainability underpins everything we do. For this reason, we are delighted to sponsor the Green/Ethical Business of the Year Award at this year's inCumbria awards.

Councillor Dyan Jones, Portfolio Holder for Climate Emergency and Localism, said: "We declared a climate emergency, have set a target to achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations by 2030, as well as supporting a target of carbon neutrality for Cumbria by 2037, and have launched our Climate Change Action Plan recently.

"Our residents have consistently shown their desire to do more - to do local things, to do what they can to help in their communities, and to engage with businesses whose values chime with theirs.

“It is important now more than ever for businesses to consider their impact on the planet and people. Supporting our communities and businesses to become more energy efficient and environmentally aware is a key priority for South Lakeland District Council and backing this award will help us achieve that."

Councillor Robin Ashcroft, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Culture and Leisure, said: "I am consistently amazed by the innovation shown by businesses throughout the county, not least in this area - businesses large and small, in a myriad of sectors, putting sustainability and environmental concerns at the heart of what they do and embracing that as a positive development, something which makes a difference to the planet and boosts the bottom line.

"We are delighted to be able to play a part in celebrating this work by supporting these awards. They are an excellent opportunity to share ideas and encourage more businesses to take inspiration from them, as well as showing that heeding environmental impacts and issues can be a profitable way to do business."

To enter the business awards, go to