Scores of travellers arrived in Appleby even though the annual horse fair had been cancelled.

The annual event, which usually sees thousands descend on the town and was due to take place between June 4 and 7, was cancelled as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.

It’s only the second time in 250 years the historic fair has had to be called off.

The first was because of foot and mouth disease.

But up to 100 people with about a dozen horses still made their way to Cumbria.

One Appleby resident, who did not want to be named, said: “I’m not surprised we’ve had so many people come. Nothing will stop them coming.”

Residents had raised concerns that members of the gypsy and traveller community would arrive despite the cancelled horse fair, fearing that if social distancing wasn’t adhered to they could bring coronavirus to the town.

Police officers, wearing face coverings, are visible in the town.

Cumbria Police said in a statement over the weekend: “We are aware of the presence of a number of gypsy and traveller visitors in and around Appleby.

“Following discussions, our understanding is the visitors had no intention of staying overnight.

“Officers will continue to monitor the situation.

“We would stress that Appleby Horse Fair is not taking place this year, in line with efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19, and would strongly advise anyone who is still planning to travel to this area for this purpose to stay away.”

Speaking last month, Billy Welch, known as the Shera Rom or Head Gypsy, had urged members of his community not to gather in Appleby. He said: “The current situation with Covid-19 is bad and I wouldn’t want any of my family put in danger or the chance of the settled community being put in any danger.”

One of the travellers who made a pilgrimage to an ancient gypsy fair was Kenneth “Pont” Redhead.

The 75-year-old set off from his home in Norfolk on Wednesday to travel the 200 miles to the annual horse fair.

The great-grandfather said: “I know it were cancelled, but there still might have been one or two more come up to stay up here with a gap in between everybody, they could still come up now it’s being lifted with this virus.”

The Appleby Horse Fair sees around 30,000 travellers gather to buy, sell and barter over horses, wads of cash being exchanged on the streets of the picturesque Cumbrian market town in a tradition dating back centuries.

Mr Redhead, from King’s Lynn, said: “It would be packed out up here on a normal year. Thousands of people would be here in Appleby.

“And in the town and everywhere it would be packed out with travellers. This year there’s just nothing.

“People come from Ireland, people come all the way from America, people come from the continent and everywhere.

“It is the biggest travellers’ fair in Europe.

“I’ll be back next year again. That’s if this virus doesn’t kick off again in next summertime."