THE following is of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2 March 2020.

Pump Track – Cllr. Emsley had received a response from a resident suggesting that the bike shelter should remain uncovered but that a bench should be sited there and it was agreed the Clerk should obtain a price for a recycled plastic bench and the matter would be considered at the next meeting.

Street Lighting – The Council had also received a complaint about how dark it was under the viaduct on Main Street. The Chairman commented that this issue had come up before, but the Council was unable to fix any lighting to the viaduct itself and it was felt that the lights on either side were not that distant from each other.

He did suggest that perhaps the steps down from the Community Centre car park adjacent to the viaduct could be better lit and it was agreed the Clerk should obtain prices for ground-based solar lighting to improve the problem in that area.

Village Action Team – The grant application had now been submitted for the Riverside scheme and a response was awaited. However the Chairman commented that during the recent heavy rain the area was significantly flooded, and there was speculation that this may affect proposed works.

Report from District and County Councillors – Cllr. Lis reported the budget had been set for the coming year with a £5 increase per householder on last year.

There was a brief discussion on the comparative rates of precept set by different Parish Councils in the area and the Chairman took a note to mention the issue at the Annual Parish Meeting. Cllr. Lis confirmed that the planning application for the lorry park was going to committee. The Councillor also recently had a meeting with CDC on the issue of lane end collections of refuse, which was still at the consultation stage.

The Chairman commented on a proposal by Natural England to remove sheep from areas containing limestone pavements for conservation, which caused him grave concerns. Cllr. Lis took a note.

Consultation on Removal of Telephone Box, Laundry Lane – although the Councillors understood the reasons for the removal of this telephone box, (low usage), they remained concerned that it entailed the removal of the last payphone in the village and was evidence of the continuing reduction of services in rural areas. The Clerk was requested to pass on this response to BT.

Request for Donation to VE Event – After discussion it was agreed the Parish Council would pledge £500 towards this event and Cllr. Gaunt would report back to the meeting about the ongoing arrangements.

NYCC consultation on new policy on developer contributions for education – After discussion, the Clerk was asked to respond to this with the request that all such contributions be ring-fenced for spending in the area the development takes place.

Cllr. Emsley also wanted to see evidence of where the funds are actually spent.

The Chairman reported on a recent graziers meeting where it had been proposed to produce 4 signs to warn dog owners to keep their animals under control. These signs had been estimated to cost £25 each, and it was agreed by the meeting that the cost of this would be met by the Parish Council.

Quarry Liaison – Cllr Lis confirmed that permission had been granted for the recent planning application for an extension to the quarry works. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 6 April 2020 at 19:00, at the Community Centre.

Ingleborough WI Report. On another very wet and windy night in March, the Ingleborough WI celebrated their 98th birthday party. President Jennifer Charnley welcomed members and guests including those from Hellifield WI. Following a splendid cold buffet members were entertained by a full cast from “Bentham Praise,” who gave a wonderful performance of harmonised singing interspersed with amusing monologues.

Keyboard accompanist was Judith Harrison. The Ingleborough WI are preparing to celebrate their Centenary in March 2022 and would like to make a request for any WI photographs or mementos readers may have, to be displayed.The next meeting will be on April 6 when Cynthia Hardyman will talk about her “Expedition to Mongolia”. All visitors are given a warm welcome!