A DETERMINED group of friends who have transformed a bad situation into an outstanding opportunity are set to open a new business in Kendal within a month of losing their jobs without warning, reports Caroline Beamish.

The seven women were devastated to be given less than 24 hours' notice of redundancy from the high street childrenswear chain Adams, after working together in the town's Highgate-based store for a number of years.

But determined they would not be beaten, the group wasted no time in embarking on a month-long crusade to get a new children's clothing business up and running in the town.

A champagne opening will be held at the new Rebelz store, next to Marks and Spencer, tomorrow, Saturday (February 10), to celebrate the whirlwind creation of their independent business.

With around 60 years' of retail experience in children's clothing between them, the staff are looking forward to running their own shop and say they can provide a better service than ever before without the constraints of forming part of a national chain.

Read their full story in this week's Westmorland Gazette.