As temperatures plummet and with weather forecasters predicted freezing temperatures and snow today, the Home Heat Helpline is calling on all vulnerable people in the North West to contact the helpline (0800 33 66 99) to receive free advice and support on keeping warm this winter.

The Home Heat Helpline, funded by Britain's energy retailers, is a free-phone service providing free advice on how to stay warm over the winter, reduce energy bills and, in some cases, access government grants.

Those calling the freephone number will be able to speak to expert advisors, including former health professionals who are trained to give advice on how to stay warm during the cold weather.

It can also take calls from intermediaries calling on behalf of vulnerable people, such as friends, family, carers, social workers or health visitors.

In its first 12 months, 38,000 people called the helpline. Over one in four (27 per cent) of those who called the Helpline saved money on their utility bills.