My room is a bit of a tip. The desk, shelves, filing tray, floor, are overloaded with bits of paper, dirty coffee mugs and the stuff I was using three, even four weeks ago.

It's not the most helpful way to work, and every so often I have to tidy up, decide what needs keeping, clean the mugs and throw a whole load of things out, so that I can work well. Summer is a great time to do this.

My Christian life can be a bit similar. Some of it is fine, but other things get attached to it.

There are issues which I haven't dealt with, or attitudes and behaviour which I need to cut loose.

A good sort out is needed so that I know what's important, and what isn’t.

Something which started out as helpful can become unhelpful. It can end up making it harder for me to be I am supposed to be.

Following Jesus is a way of life and we pick stuff up along the way, and we have to work out what to continue to carry.

Some things help us in this. Prayer, bible study and the company of others, are like walking boots, food and clothing. We can't do the journey without them.

But we do need to reflect often, to pay attention and check what attitudes or behaviour we have picked up which we need to get rid of.

And this isn’t just true for Christians. We all need reflective lives so that we can journey on well together.

Rob Saner-Haigh, Vicar, Kendal Parish Church