WORDS are interesting things. They hold amazing power and yet are easy to throw out. We use them all the time. They can persuade, dissuade, build up or knock down. They can be everything from 'I love you' to 'I hate you'.

I still think of the word 'garage' as a place to park a car, not a sort of music; putting something 'on my wall' as sticking a poster up, not posting on Facebook for all to see. And I consider 'wicked' to refer to evil, not cool!

Around this time of the year we often struggle for words in the Christian Church. We celebrated Pentecost last week, when we believe God sent the Holy Spirit to energise and equip the first believers to go out and tell others of the life of Jesus,.

The Spirit enabled them to talk in many languages and everyone understood it for themselves. This coming week we consider the Trinity; God being Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A mysterious Three and One.

Words to describe these important events can be hard to find, especially trying to make them understandable for today’s world. And yet words we must try to find for they are important events in the life of the church then and now.

We still believe God sends the Holy Spirit to energise and equip us but perhaps nowadays actions speak louder than words. I have a feeling, too, if we tried to explain fully the mystery of God we may use so many words we forget to live the life Jesus urges us to; of selfless love and service.

Those tasks never change, no matter how words change to describe them. My hope for fellowships today is that we can all find new words to explain and explore what faith means and live out the actions to speak for us. Then the Church may one day indeed be 'cool' (not cold but trendy) again.

The Rev Carole R Marsden, United Reformed Church minister.