The Westmorland Gazette - Memorials

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Death Notice

Leonard William Albert INGRAM

Published on 07/12/2023

INGRAM Leonard William Albert Len passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family on 26th November 2023. Beloved husband to Elizabeth, adored father to Howard, Janet and Susan and much loved father-in-law to Sue and Richard. Cherished grandfather to 'his girls' Ella, Millie, Harriet, Maisie and Alice and also to Laurence. A celebration of a great life service to take place at Beetham Hall Crematorium on Thursday 14th December 2023 at 12.30pm. We ask attendees to wear a touch of colour. Family flowers only. Donations if desired for either Dementia UK or St. John's Hospice. All enquires and donations to Hayes and Parkinson Ltd. 01539 720105


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Pamela Wildsmith December 9th, 2023
Pamela Wildsmith image
Dearest Len! Life will not be the same without you - you will be greatly missed! Thank you so much for being part of our lives and for giving us such wonderful, happy memories, which will remain with us forever! We will never forget you - your wisdom, your caring, your humour, your many jokes (maybe some of them!), your love, your kindness, your love of life and above all - you! Rest in peace dearest friend. Much love Pam and Bryan xx❤️❤️
Victoria W Pattison December 8th, 2023
Victoria W Pattison image
Uncle Len, thank you for all the advice, love and laughter. We will miss you dearly. Thanks for being part of our lives and making us feel part of your beautiful family. All our love Vics, Andy and Sienna xxx
Susie F December 7th, 2023
Susie F image
Darling Daddy - a lifetime of cherished memories to ease our sadness at your passing- your kindness, your wisdom, your sense of fun and mischievous ways, your quest for fairness and justice, your pride in and your protection of us your family ,your loyalty to your friends and your twinkling blue eyes.... You live on in us. Thank you for being you. ****