THIS year’s Kendal Amateur Operatic Society’s spectacular aims to top the society’s 2008 box office smash - in sparkling style!

Following on from The Full Monty, the Hot Mikado is a snazzy, modern twist on the classic Gilbert and Sullivan operetta and runs from Tuesday, November 3, until Saturday, November 7, at Kendal Town Hall.

The pulling power of last year’s saucy ‘Monty’ noticed up KAOS’s biggest profit to date - a cool £4,500.

And the society’s business manager Margaret Stamper said they’re hoping to top it: “This is the best of Gilbert and Sullivan but with a zany twist,” explained Margaret.

“The words are altered to suit, but the melodies are still basically G and S but jazzed up and with plenty of swing.

“There’s nothing sweet and maidenly about Hot Mikado!”

Producer Kerry Hartin is once more at the helm.

“As a musical it’s been more of a challenge,” she told me.

“Although, the show’s very simply set with few changes, which makes for a more seamless production.”

With 1940s jazz and lots of harmonies to exercise their vocal chords, the majority of this year’s cast are new to the society, testament to KAOS’s growing popularity.

Neil Lawson plays Nanki Poo, the son of the Mikado.

Neil’s an undiscovered talent and has never performed.

The story goes that long-serving KAOS member Eva Bingham heard Neil singing while he was fixing a gate and invited the Kendal joiner to audition.

“People have said that I could sing, but I’d never really tried it like this,” exclaimed Neil.

“It’s fantastic to get this opportunity and great being with so many people who are working so hard together.

“It’s awesome and something I never thought I’d do.”

Also new to the KAOS fold and full of Japanese promise is Ian Loi: he plays Ko Ko, the Lord High Executioner.

As for KAOS regulars, well Bob Bailey is Pooh Bah, Lord High ‘everything else’; Alison Hine plays a vamped up Katisha, Nanki Poo’s spurned suiter, a sort of modern day she-devil, apparently, and Bob Christie’s Mikado is something to behold - a tap-dancing, hip-swinging, songster of gangster-like proportion.

Rachel Ellis is Nanki Poo’s love interest and Emily Barnes-Davies, Sarah Shaw, Zoe Slinger and Daisy Vernon, lead the way on the dancing front.

Packed with stacks of toe-tapping tunes - even African rhythms - the finale has a roof-raising chorus of “Joy is everywhere.”

And judging by all their faces at rehearals, it certainly is!

Performances start at 7.15pm.

Box office 01539-725758.