UP TO 15 jobs could be created at Levens Hall if plans for a new restaurant get planning approval.

Richard and Naomi Bagot say they want to create 'an outstanding piece of architecture that would create an accessible, comfortable, energy efficient contemporary venue, enhancing the existing character of the grounds'.

“We want to invest in the estate by creating something exciting and new,” said Mr Bagot, “we’ve worked very hard on the design and we’re hugely looking forward to it.”

The Bagots commissioned Newcastle-based architects Mawson Kerr to design the new building in 2014 and a planning application for the new dining spot has now been submitted to South Lakeland District Council.

It states that the proposed restaurant will 'provide vital new facilities to the estate, supporting the long-term sustainability of the house and grounds'.

The proposed location is to the east of the main manor house on the edge of an agricultural field, on land currently used for back of house activities.

The application says: “Levens Hall typically attracts visitors to the region so the restaurant is unlikely to cause any harm to local businesses, it is more likely to increase visitor numbers.

“The restaurant is likely to provide a number of permanent and part-time jobs to the local area, with skilled catering and service jobs required, and opportunities for support roles, providing opportunities for local people, including young people.

“The proposal is designed to be both contemporary in design but also respectful of the hall and grounds.”