MEMBERS of Ambleside & District U3A celebrated the group's 20th anniversary with an anniversary tea at Calgarth Park, Troutbeck Bridge.

The U3A (University of the Third Age) is an international organisation for people determined to keep active in retirement.

The Ambleside & District group was founded by the late Christopher Morris, of Grasmere, in 1995 and now has about 350 members.

They take part in physical activities like fell walking and table tennis, games such as bridge and mah-jong, natural history and photography, and social gatherings such as pub lunches and theatre visits. A newly-formed group, meeting twice a month, is learning about the geology of the Lake District.

The anniversary cake was cut by Jessie Morris, wife of Christopher Morris, and members toasted the next 20 years of the U3A. The afternoon was rounded off with a demonstration from Taiko drummers based at Windermere (Thunderdrummers) and Milnthorpe (Yan Tan Taiko). They demonstrated the art of Taiko drumming, which emphasises the stance and movement of the drummers as much as the sound.

Mike Green, chair of the U3A group, said: “I’m delighted that we had such a successful afternoon. Older members enjoyed reminiscing and newer ones are looking forward to the next 20 years. The sun shone on us for the drumming finale and pointed to a bright future for the U3A.”